Oddvious83's Oddstuff

It seems this blog has evolved into something different from what was originally intended. Evolved for the better I'd say.

Below are... chapters - for lack of a better word - of a series of stories I write. Most of the stories take place in the little (fictional) town of Sowell Pike in Collin's County. A rural part of the upper southern region of the US.

Welcome and enjoy, check back regularly (or follow the facebook links) to see what's happening in our pleasant little town. Because it is ours, Reader, it belongs to us, though all we can do is hold tight and see what happens next.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks Giving

I'd like to spend some time thanking people for everything they've done for us/with us over the years. And this hasn't been particularly the best of years. Thanks to my wife for sticking it out with me (I know I'm not the easiest to live with), parents - mine, my wife's, and really to all parents out there. It's one of the hardest yet the best jobs a person can have, my hat is off to the parents of the world. Let's keep trying to make the world a better place, lead through example and hope our children can have good lives and a good country.

Speaking of country, an amusing thought came to me while my children were telling me what they learned in school about 'Thankgiving'. I got to wondering if the Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, or Columbus Day for that matter. I'd have to brush up on my historical time line, but I'm wondering if this supposed dinner occurred before or after the small pox, the trail of tears. Surely before, I have trouble imagining the Natives gathering with us - the white men - and having a great feast and being thankful and jolly for the land we reserved for what remained of their great civilizations. This land, not the flourishing forests and beautiful beaches, of flat barren desert. Almost no natural resources, and no taxes. You're welcome, be thankful. Today of all days, count your blessings. It can always get worse, remember, you're dealing with the white man. We seem to have a gene that makes us concur, invade and oppress, even ourselves.

Eat, drink, be merry. Happy Thanksgiving.

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